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NTSC to PAL conversion is possible with Ikon Images (Video). Phase-alternating linear (PAL), used in Asia, Europe, and Australia, and NTSC (National Television System Committee), used across North America, are the two most widely used television broadcasting systems. As a result, we can convert the USA TV system to the Australian TV system or vice versa.

We need a digital standards converter to convert video recordings made in one system to those made in another. So, the NTSC VHS tape of E.G. American Wrestling can be captured, converted to PAL, and then put onto a DVD as a PAL DVD.

The two systems have historically been virtually always incompatible. But for us, this is not an issue. Despite the video format you have, we can convert it. Even if you moved from a country that uses NTSC, like the USA, and brought your tapes with you, we can convert them with ease!